The Real Reasons People Aren’t Buying Your Product or Service

The real reasons people aren't buying your product or service

When you’re launching a new product or service in your business, you’re typically super excited and have high expectations. 

You’ve worked hard to craft the perfect offer for your audience and you just know it will be the thing that generates big results in your business. 

While that’s often the hope for us as business owners, we’re often unfortunately faced with the question: “why aren’t people buying?!”

Did I price the offer too high?

Are people just not interested?

Should I add more bonuses?

Do I need to launch something else?

When you’ve put so much work into something just to experience less than desirable results, it’s easy to question all the things. 

But before you start doubting your offer or throwing in the towel altogether, it’s wise to explore the REAL reasons that people might not be buying. 

Because the truth is that it may not be about the actual offer after all. There’s a lot more that goes into launching than *just* that. 

It’s also not always about the price, what’s included, or your competition. Instead, it could be something else completely. 

While people often use the objection of “I can’t afford it,” that isn’t always the case. Saying that is often just an easy out for people.

Sure, sometimes it’s true and they may not be in a spot where they can afford to buy, which means they likely aren’t a good fit anyways. 

But sometimes they don’t want to tell you what’s REALLY holding them back, which is why it’s important to know the real and very common reasons that people don’t buy. 

In this blog post, you’ll learn 5 of the most common reasons that people don’t click “purchase” so you can make sure each of these are handled before your next launch and know exactly how to avoid them!

5 Common Reasons People Aren’t Buying Your Offer

  1. The transformation isn’t clear. 

As the saying goes, “people don’t buy products or services, they buy transformations.”

And that is SO true!

When your audience is looking at your offer, they aren’t as concerned with what’s included right away, but rather what their life could look like after buying the offer.

People are often heavily driven by a desire to improve some aspect of their lives. Whether it’s achieving a healthier lifestyle, enhancing their appearance, increasing productivity, or increasing their income, your potential customers will be motivated by what’s possible for them when they invest with you.

If you don’t lead with the transformation in your messaging and instead rely on features of your offer, you’ll often lose people along the way.

  1. You’re selling what they need, not what they want. 

One of my favorite phrases to tell my clients is, “you have to sell the carrot cake and give them the carrots.”

What I mean by this is that you lead with what your ideal audience WANTS and then you give them what they need. 

They WANT more money, but you know that what they need to achieve that is your bookkeeping course. 

They WANT to attract more leads into their business, but you know they need your copy coaching.

See what I mean?

Oftentimes when working with people who are having the “people aren’t buying issue” it’s simply because their offer doesn’t feel sexy enough. 

The GOOD news is that this is totally fixable! 

Depending on your industry or niche, you may not be selling the most “fun” offers, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make them feel that way. 

Human behavior is heavily influenced by desires and emotions, so while people may recognize their practical needs, they are often more motivated to fulfill their wants, dreams, and emotional desires.

Effective marketing can tap into these emotional triggers and align products or services with them!

  1. The work to get the results feels too hard or will take too long.

It’s no secret that people want things to be quick and easy. As humans, we are often impatient and we want to see results quickly.

While this isn’t always the reality of every situation, it’s important that you make your offer feel that way.

If the work to get the results you’re selling feels too hard or like it will take too long, people will likely move on past. 

This is why adding a timeframe to your offer is usually ideal, so that your buyers know exactly how long the work will take and when they could potentially expect results.

  1. They don’t understand what you’re selling.

One of the most simple, yet most important, reasons that people may not buy your offer is because they don’t understand what you’re selling. 

Confused people take no action at all, so if your offer isn’t clear, it’s common for people to move on. 

This is why mastering your messaging and making sure you stick to clear, NOT cute copy is key!

As a business owner, it can be tempting to go overboard with naming your offer and lean towards more “fun” messaging, but when you do this you run the risk of adding confusion.

The best rule of thumb is to be straightforward and plainly tell people what they can expect!

  1. You’re not conveying a true understanding of the urgent problem.

If you don’t understand someone’s problem – how can you offer them a solution? That’s why being able to accurately articulate the problem is so key to being able to sell.

And sometimes, we don’t realize just how painful or urgent something is until someone calls us out on it. 

This is why conducting proper market research is so important, so you can clearly identify what your audience struggles with and be able to speak to that in your copy specifically.

Resources for Your Next Launch

Looking for more guidance on planning your next launch, so that people ACTUALLY buy?!

I have a few things to help you out:

Take what you need and connect here for more launch strategy and copywriting tips!

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