The Power of In-Person Networking

the power in-person networking

In the online business world, you have so many opportunities to meet and connect with so many new people and it’s an incredible thing. 

It’s crazy how you can live in one part of the world and be connected with someone else in a completely different country or time zone, yet it can still feel like you’re best friends. 

That’s one of the things that I love so much about what I do.

I get to sit in my home office in Israel and do work for people 7-10 time zones away in either direction!

Being a launch copywriter and strategist for nearly 2 decades means that I’ve been able to meet a TON of people and many of those people have become clients, but more importantly, friends and great connections that I get to talk business with.

Earlier this year, I decided to really double down on gaining new connections and I’ve primarily done that through guest podcast episodes with some really amazing humans. 

Not only does this give me a chance to get my face and name in front of more of the right people, it also gives the hosts the ability to widen their own network through my audience as well. 

I’ve found that this work has really paved the way for great networking and it’s something I plan on continuing to do.

With all of that said, I’ve also realized that thanks to the dominance of the digital world where virtual connections and online platforms are at the forefront, it can be easy to overlook the significance of face-to-face, “in the room” networking. 

Prior to 2020, in person networking was the norm in combination with the virtual world, but post-pandemic, it’s become much more natural to stay digital.

And I get it – virtual networking feels easier, can sometimes be more cost effective, and is often less time consuming. 

But even with those things being true, I really believe that there is a lot to be missed if you dismiss the power of in person networking – I’m talking to myself here too!

That’s why I’m personally making in person connections a priority again as we enter the last quarter of 2023 and move into 2024 and I encourage you to join me!

Here’s why:

The Power of In-Person Networking

Online interactions can be great, but there’s just something about meeting someone face-to-face that allows for a level of authenticity that a Zoom screen can’t achieve.

Being in person allows you to read body language, pick up on subtle cues, and build genuine rapport with others, which can lead to more meaningful and long lasting relationships.

Though online connections can be great, it’s very common to connect with someone online, introduce yourselves once, and never speak again. In-person connections, on the other hand, are much more likely to move past the initial connection and become a friendship or working relationship that you really value.

Additionally, face-to-face interactions often build trust more effectively than virtual ones, because you’re able to assess someone’s credibility and sincerity. 

Aside from building more authentic relationships, one of the greatest parts about in-person networking are the unexpected opportunities!

When you’re networking online, there’s usually very little room for moments of serendipity, because things are very structured and scheduled. 

While in-person events often have a structure as well, there’s more flexibility and you truly never know what can happen!

For example, if you’re at a conference, you might be sitting beside your next client without even knowing it and at lunch you might strike up a conversation with someone you didn’t plan to meet, leading to an amazing collaboration that could skyrocket your business.

These are the moments that make all of the work that goes into in-person networking worth it!

How to Get in the Right Room with the Right People

Even though in-person networking has a ton of benefits and can be a game changer for creating new connections, I also understand that knowing how to get in the right room with the right people can be challenging.

Because it’s not just about attending any event or meeting – it’s about strategically positioning yourself in environments where you can thrive and make valuable connections.

To make sure that you’re making the most of your time (and maybe even money), consider the following before attending an event:

  1. What are your goals?

Before attending any in-person event or joining a networking group, it’s essential to clarify your goals and know WHY you want to attend.

What do you hope to achieve through this event? Are you seeking new clients, business partners, mentors, or friends? What would success feel like for you after attending this event?

Knowing your goals will help you identify the right rooms to enter!

  1. Research, research, research!

I’ll be honest – it’s not hard to find an event to attend. There are conferences, workshops, 3-day trainings, etc. allll over the place hosted by lots of different people.

The key is choosing the one that makes the most sense for YOU specifically.

Once you’ve defined your goals above, research events and groups that align with you and your business.

Quality often trumps quantity when it comes to networking, so aim for the BEST event versus the most.

  1. Prepare Beforehand

Once you’ve found the event you want to attend, before entering the room, prepare yourself for lots of conversation beforehand. 

Just like you are there for new connections, so are other people, which means there will be times where people are asking you questions and knowing how to respond is key.

Have a few talking points prepared for how to introduce yourself and what you do and let the conversation flow naturally from there. 

It’s also smart to bring plenty of business cards or contact information in case someone asks how they can stay in touch!

At the heart of everything you do during in-person networking, show up with a genuine interest in learning about others. When you do that, that’s when you can win.

  1. Focus on Relationships, Not Transactions

We all know that feeling when it’s clear that someone is only interested in making a sale – it doesn’t feel good and honestly, no one likes that person very much.

It’s for this reason that you want to show up to in-person networking with the goal of building relationships, not closing transactions.

Of course, you have goals and you want to gain new leads and score new opportunities, but those things will all come with time when you first get to know people and ask genuine questions.

When you take this approach, you will leave with more people actually interested in working with you in the future!

A Unique Opportunity To Get In The Right Room – With Me As Your Host

Speaking of getting in the right rooms with the right people, I didn’t have this originally planned for the year, but when things align, you have to go for it!

I’m excited to introduce and invite you to: LaunchFlow Live ✨

My very first live event and I am SO pumped about it.

What I’m most excited about for this event is the relaxed environment that I plan to create, so you can truly be in flow and have the epiphanies you need to have around your business.

I’ll be there to answer your questions and guide you to the breakthroughs that will move you in the right direction for the new year. 

*This event has passed. However, I do host live events yearly! Follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn to find out when the doors open for the next one.*

Where: Houston, TX

When: October 17- 18, 2023

What: Live in-person mastermind event for hot seat coaching, workshops, breakouts, and 2024 planning

RSVP: We only have room for 10 people and almost half of those are already filled, so I you’re in the area or are interested in attending, send me an email at to make sure it’s a good fit!

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