The First Thing I Ask All LaunchFlow Students To Do

the first thing I ask all launchflow students to do

As I’m writing this, I’m in the midst of cohort 3 of the LaunchFlow Accelerator and each time I run this program, I have all of my students start in the exact same place. 

The reason for that is because everyone in the Accelerator are all after the same thing: the BETTER way to launching in their business. 

The cool part about that though is that there isn’t one exact formula or recipe that I give them to achieve that. Instead, I guide them into their own personal launch solution through various work and exercises so they can determine what works for THEIR life and THEIR business. 

All businesses are different, which means there isn’t just one right way to launch. How Susie does it will probably be different than how I do it, but that doesn’t mean that we both can’t feel good about the way it happens. 

My ultimate goal is for my students to experience the side of launching that doesn’t involve weeks or months of stress and overwhelm. I don’t want them to spend every waking minute in front of their computer screen questioning if their offer is good enough and trying to piece together copy for their emails. 

Instead, I want them to be able to live their life in the midst of launching in their business and feel excited and energized throughout the process. No, that doesn’t mean that hard work isn’t required, but I don’t buy into the common belief that launching means you have to put your life on hold or feel burned out by the end of it.

So, how do we get there exactly? It all starts with what I like to call the LaunchFlow Hierarchy. 

Most people want to start at the very top – with their launch offer. They think that if they could jussstttt figure out their irresistible offer, then all of their problems would be solved. 

(Spoiler: there’s no such thing as an irresistible offer – here’s why!)

But the truth is that there are a lot of other layers we need to work through first before you can land on your ideal launch offer. And the FIRST layer is You and Your Endgame.

This is where I always start with my LaunchFlow students and here’s what it looks like. ⬇️

The First Place To Start When Deciding Your Launch Offer

Picture this: you decide it’s time to finally launch a new offer in your business. You brainstorm some ideas and come to the conclusion that a 6-week course with live coaching is what you want to launch. 

So you do it and it goes really well! Your audience is interested, you meet your sales goal, and then it’s time for you to deliver on the course.

And then… you discover that you actually hate this model. 

But WHY? You finally created an offer and made sales! Shouldn’t you be singing praises?! Not exactly. 

When you don’t take the time to define YOUR Endgame, you’ll likely end up like the scenario above – with an offer that YOU, as the business owner, aren’t fired up about and in a spiral of work that doesn’t excite you.

So, how do we avoid this? It involves setting a solid foundation by asking yourself 4 key questions:

  1. What do YOU really want in your business? 

While this question might seem basic and simple, it matters way more than you might think. As entrepreneurs, when most of us start our businesses, we do it for very specific reasons. 

Some of us want more flexibility. Others love the idea of making as much money as they want and feeling in control of that. Some want to be able to stay home with their kids. And others want the ability to travel whenever they want. 

Whatever your reason, it’s important to get very specific about it and fully define what you want, because that reason will directly impact the type of offer that you create. 

For example, if you want a business that gives you the flexibility to travel 6 months out of the year, creating an offer that requires more of your 1:1 time probably isn’t going to be the best fit. 

See what I mean? Take some time to answer this question for yourself!

  1. At what point would you be happy to MAINTAIN instead of grow? 

In the early days of business ownership, growth is typically top of mind. It’s a constant focus and you’re often brainstorming ways to grow your audience, grow your revenue, grow your thought leadership, etc. 

And don’t get me wrong, focusing on growth can be a great thing! But at some point, you’ll want the ability to take your foot off the gas and simply maintain what you’ve worked so hard to build.

At what point would that be for you? For some, it’s a certain revenue number. For others, it’s a certain number of clients. 

There’s no right or wrong answer, but take the time to consider this for yourself because, again, this answer will impact your ideal launch offer big time.

  1. Think about how much you’d like to be making (and taking home) per month for that to happen. What does it look like? 

In order to reach your maintaining stage, income is typically involved. I mean, we all have bills to pay, right? Even if you’re not in your business for the money alone, it doesn’t mean it can be ignored. 

So, think about how much you’d ideally be making (AND taking home… there’s a difference!), in order to feel good about maintaining versus growing. 

What is that number and how do you make it happen each month? For some people, it will be a certain number of 1:1 clients. For others, it will be a certain number of offers sold.

Define that for yourself.

  1. What does your LIFE look like? 

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, what does your LIFE look like? As business owners, it’s incredibly easy to focus on the business 24/7. Though your business is a PART of your life, it’s not your full life. 

So, business aside, what does your day to day look like? What do you do for fun? How do you fill your cup? 

Maybe it’s being able to volunteer at your kids’ school once a week. Or attending your favorite workout class each morning. Or being able to frequent your local coffee shop, NOT to work, but simply to enjoy a cup of coffee.

Imagine your ideal life and get specific. 

Ready to experience LaunchFlow in your life and business?

These 4 questions come before anything else every single time when working with my LaunchFlow students because the reality is that you can work really hard to grow a business that appears to be amazing on the outside… but on the inside, it’s actually something you resent. 

That’s not what I want for you. You deserve to grow a business that is in full alignment with what you want your LIFE to look and feel like.

If you’re reading this and feel like you’ve been doing the opposite, don’t worry. It’s not too late to fix it! It’s common to get off course, but pausing and taking time to journal through the questions above can redirect you and put you on the path to what I lovingly call LaunchFlow. 

The Accelerator is how I first introduced this idea and I’m proud to say that students are confidently stepping into this identity.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, I have two free resources for you:

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