Spring Cleaning Checklist: Launch Edition

spring cleaning checklist launch edition

It’s that time of year where the sun starts to shine a bit brighter, flowers start to bloom and all parts of life start to feel refreshed after a long winter season.

A few days ago I walked outside to what once was a beautiful, green backyard and I was quickly reminded that even though the season is changing, we’ve neglected this space for so long, so now it’s messy and it’s going to require some hard work to get it back into the shape that we prefer. 

As I was gazing at the weeds and shrubs that desperately need my attention, I was reminded of how often this happens in business. 

We have great ideas. We create big goals. We set out to do huge projects.

And all of it *sounds* really nice at the time, especially when we’re thinking about the result that will come from the idea, goal or project. 

Just like having a nice backyard with the perfect furniture and the ultimate spot to sit outside and soak up the sunshine with your favorite beverage *sounds* nice. 

But when you start doing the work to create that picture, it gets hard. You get tired. You start to lose sight of the result you once pictured and start settling for “good enough.”

You say you’ll come back to refine later, but you never do… and then the weeds start growing. 

Weeds in your business can look like unfinished projects. First drafts of website copy. “Good enough” lead magnets. Inconsistent presence on social media or through your email list.

And while you definitely can get by with all of these things and keep yourself afloat, it always feels much better when the weeds are pulled and you’ve made room for beautiful flowers to bloom. 

But in order for that to really happen, you have to look at the ROOTS – and the roots start with YOU! 

Your energy. Your messaging. Your offers (aka how you want to help people). 

Last year, I personally did a lot of this uprooting of sorts and it really helped me see what needed to change and what could stay the same. By doing this, I was able to make room for the new and allow myself to get rid of the old. 

Now this year, I’m able to maintain the fresh blooms and I want to help YOU do it too.

As a launch strategist that works with 6- and 7-figure business owners to launch offers that produce thousands (and millions) in revenue, I’ve noticed that many people tend to focus on the wrong things in business, especially when launching. 

They tend to get caught up in the design of their website or landing page or creating the perfect Instagram feed and while all of those things are great, I believe that what needs your attention more than anything in a launch season are 5 key flows!

I like to call them LaunchFlows and when these 5 Flows are aligned, you can experience a launch like you never have before… and you can do it again and again and again with ease. 

So, if you’re planning to launch in your business this spring, I encourage you to follow what I’m calling the Spring Cleaning Checklist: Launch Edition to make sure that you’re fully prepared for what’s to come and can experience the results that you deeply desire!

5 Key LaunchFlows For Successful, Repeatable, & Sustainable Launches

  1. Your Offer aka Cash Flow

Your actual offer is a huge piece of the launch itself and has likely been the thing that’s consumed a lot of your focus as you build your business, so you might think that your offer is good to go and doesn’t need any changes. 

Maybe you’ve sold it a few times, people seem to like it, so you just keep selling it without considering if it needs changing or tweaking.

But the truth is that sometimes your offer can be the very reason your launch isn’t working. The bulk of it is probably right, but a few small tweaks can make the biggest difference.

And I don’t just mean what people GET when they buy. Sure, sometimes adding bonus material might be needed, but what does your offer REALLY need to include so that people receive the transformation that you can provide?

THAT is where your focus should be!

➡️ Your Spring Cleaning Action: review your current offer and ask yourself if it’s really delivering what people want and need. If not, what can be changed or tweaked to achieve that?

  1. Your Audience aka Lead Flow

You probably don’t need me to tell you how important leads are in your business. In fact, I can almost bet that growing your audience and bringing in more of the right people is probably at the top of your list of things to do.

If so, that is a GOOD thing because without an ideal audience that is interested in what you have, a launch probably isn’t going to produce the outcome that you want.

If you’re focused on lead generation and something still feels off, I challenge you to go deeper because contrary to what you might’ve been previously taught, knowing your ideal audience doesn’t mean knowing their coffee order and their favorite music genre.

It means knowing their struggles and challenges very specifically and speaking to those in everything that you do, so it’s clear that you know them, understand them, and ultimately have a solution that can help them.

And then when you think you have all of that figured out… go even deeper. There are a number of nuances and emotional motivations that your audience is thinking and feeling that you probably haven’t tapped into yet!

➡️ Your Spring Cleaning Action: review the current messaging that you’re using in your marketing and ask yourself this clarity creating question to help you go deeper and speak to your audience in a way you’ve yet to do.

  1. Your Launch Mechanism aka Idea Flow

It’s no secret that there are a number of different ways you can launch – there’s a workshop, challenge, summit, PDF download, masterclass, video series, etc.

The options are truly endless and if you choose the most trendy option because that’s what everyone else is doing and you think “if it worked for them, it’ll work for me” you could be setting yourself up for defeat from the beginning.

ALL of these options *can* work (I’ve personally seen it done), but finding success in the one you choose really comes down to:

  • your strengths and what you enjoy (NO, you don’t have to do something you hate – permission given!) 
  • what your audience actually needs and will respond to (are you doing an interactive workshop because your audience enjoys that or because your business bestie told you to?)
  • the way your business is designed (I’ll say it again: what works for them might not work for you and that is OKAY!)

➡️ Your Spring Cleaning Action: challenge yourself to change the way that you launch (unless what you’ve done in the past is proven) and consider what YOU enjoy, what makes sense for your business, and what you think your audience would respond to best.

  1. Your Processes aka Work Flow

Now we’re getting into the final two pieces that you don’t see people talk about nearly as often when it comes to launching in your business. First up: your work flow, which includes your processes, systems, timing, and support. 

I’ve seen this scenario many times in my career and it goes like this:

Business owner decides they want to launch their course. They choose a date without considering what exactly needs to be done for said launch.

They attempt to write a sales page, sales emails, create a masterclass, create promo content for social media, and create ads to generate new leads in a matter of two weeks.

Launch week comes and they are exhausted from the time and energy they’ve just put in. 

They present their masterclass, few people show up, and even fewer people purchase the course.

They’re left drained, defeated, and wondering why the launch didn’t work.

Why didn’t it work? The work flow was off. 

A successful launch requires proper planning and a timeline that actually GIVES you energy instead of draining it, thus allowing you to show up to sell with confidence while also knowing that every other piece of the launch puzzle (like your backend systems, for example) are taken care of, too!

➡️ Your Spring Cleaning Action: look at your calendar and REALISTICALLY decide when you can launch based on how much time you need to get everything done beforehand. Be honest with yourself here. It’s better to launch later and feel relaxed throughout the process than to rush everything and feel overwhelmed and exhausted. 

  1. Your Enthusiasm aka Energy Flow

Speaking of energy, that is the last flow that people rarely talk about when it comes to launching. 

What you often see is people proudly wearing a “busy badge” during launch season which includes staying up past midnight, glamorizing the hustle, and claiming that it’s just what you “have to do” in a season like this. 

But I’m here to say that it doesn’t have to be that way! Is a lot of work required for a successful launch? Of course! But not to the extent where you’re sacrificing your sleep, health, or wellbeing.

Your audience can tell when you’re stretching yourself too thin and it can actually turn them away from your launch altogether. 

➡️ Your Spring Cleaning Action: intentionally schedule all of your launch to-do’s in a way that doesn’t leave you drained AND purposely plan for ways to rejuvenate before, during, and after, such as a massage, a day off, or even a mid-day walk that you can look forward to.

Download The LaunchFlow Roadmap

Overall, I’m a firm believer that launching in your business can feel fun, easy, and even leave you wanting to do it again and again. For that to truly happen, these 5 flows need to be considered and assessed.

To help you tangibly do that, I’ve created a LaunchFlow Roadmap that walks you through each of these 5 areas in a deeper way, so you can:

✔️ measure how you’re currently doing

✔️ clearly identify what your gaps are

✔️ and confidently shift your focus to experience a launch like you never have before

CLICK HERE to grab your copy and be on your way to BETTER launching!

Happy spring cleaning. 🌸

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