The Simple Email Writing Formula For More Opens, More Clicks, and More Sales

simple email writing formula for more opens, more clicks, and more sales

If you’re a business owner, you’ve likely been told that you need to have an email list because you don’t “own” your followers on social media.

And by “own” I mean that your account on social platforms and the people who follow you are controlled by outside factors.

The advice goes a little something like this:

Create a freebie that your audience can download in exchange for their email. Promote it on social media. And grow your list!

People say it as if it’s that simple. And what’s crazy is that business owners fall for this time and time again. 

And maybe you can relate…

You listened to the advice above, you received a few downloads for your freebie, and you finally have a start to the treasured email list that people say you HAVE to have. 

But little to nothing is coming out of it. 

Why is that?! You’re doing the thing that people say you need to do.

You’re moving your audience away from social media and into a place where you have more control.

What gives? Well friend, I’m about to say something that might surprise you…

Simply having an email list in your business isn’t enough.

I know it might sound crazy coming from someone who also preaches email and even has an email course, but hear me out: anyone can have an email list.

Having an email list that people LOVE to be a part of is a different story. 

I’m willing to bet that if you’ve followed the scenario above and aren’t seeing any results from it, it’s for two main reasons:

  1. You’ve started growing your list, but aren’t doing anything else with it (aka you aren’t sending emails to your list at all)
  2. You’re sending emails, but no one is opening, reading, or taking action from them. 

The cool part? Both of those are solved the same way!

If you aren’t sending emails to your list at all, it’s likely because you aren’t sure what to write about and sending weekly emails feels like a looming checklist item every single week.

And if you are sending emails to your list, but people aren’t opening, clicking, or taking action, there’s a chance you’re writing about the wrong thing OR you’re writing in a way that isn’t connecting with your audience. 

BOTH of these things can be solved when you know how to write in a way that:

  • truly connects with your audience 
  • lets them know you understand them
  • and ultimately offers a solution that they can’t say no to (whether that’s reading your blog post, buying your course, listening to your podcast, etc.)

To achieve all of those ⤴️ things, I like to follow a very specific framework when writing (for myself and for my clients) and it goes like this:

GTF – Goal, Takeaway, Feeling.

First, identify the GOAL of your email. What action do you want people to take?

This can be something as simple as replying to your email to introduce themself or as big as buying your course. 

The key is that you clearly identify this and keep it in mind as you write so that you stay on topic throughout the entire email!

Next, determine the TAKEAWAY of your email. What do you want people to walk away with?

It’s tempting to cover a lot of content in one email, but when you do that people get confused and end up taking no action at all (which is the very opposite of what you want).

So, when you identify the key takeaway or the main lesson, you’re able to stay on topic which increases the chance of someone actually reading the entirety of your email and doing the one thing you want them to do. 

Finally, decide the FEELING that you want to evoke through your email. What do you want someone to feel while reading?

This is an important yet overlooked step, and the reason it matters is because 90% of human decisions are based on emotions. 

So essentially, emotion is what really moves people into action more than logic. 

Which means, it might logically make sense for someone to buy from you if you have a clear solution to their problem, but if they can’t emotionally connect that, they may not make that decision.

This is why being intentional about the feeling that you want to create is so key!

Common feelings to evoke through email include: motivated, FOMO, excited, disappointed, nostalgic, happy, regretful, fearful, etc. 

When you follow this GTF formula, you can successfully write in a way that connects to your audience while also moving them into a very clear action!

As you sit down to write your emails this week, I encourage you to try this out. It makes writing 10x easier and allows you to write in a way that feels fun and exciting versus dreadful and defeating. 

And if you want expert eyes on your copy after you’ve used this formula before you blast your words for the world to see, YOU’RE INVITED to join me for a LIVE 3 hour, interactive coaching workshop that’s dedicated to YOUR email copy!

WHAT: Inbox Love Workshop 💌

WHEN: Tuesday, March 21st from 2-5pm ET 🗓⏰

WHY: So you can gain the confidence you need to finally press “send” on your emails in order to get more opens, more clicks and more sales through your emails alone

If writing emails feels like a constant chore that you don’t enjoy, you want an extra set of expert eyes on your email copy and being a better inbox pro is one of your 2023 goals, THIS IS FOR YOU!

Click here to register for only $197

**Note: this workshop has ended. Inbox Love is now a mini-course. Join now for $100.**

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