I Retired My Group Program After 3 Years – Here’s Why

Retired my group program after 3 years here's why

I haven’t talked a lot about this, but in 2022 my business nearly sent me into a depression.

I had signed up for a very expensive coaching program with the goal of scaling my own group program. The program reeled me in with the idea of learning a “step-by-step, paint-by-numbers, follow-the-process” process that would finally get me the results that were eluding my grasp. 

And maybe that sounds familiar to you…

As you scroll through Instagram or read emails from business owners that you follow, you might be intrigued by what they’re doing. They share their results and always seem to claim that they can help you do the same.

Now, some of their offers might be the thing that you really need. There are some GREAT programs out there that can lead to the results you desire, but too often what they’re selling isn’t as easy or simple as it seems. 

At least that was the case for me…

The type of launch they had us doing was supposed to be “easy.” They taught a fairly simple process that I was supposed to follow, but turns out this “simple” thing was NOT easy for me.

It drained so much of my energy. I didn’t look forward to it at all. And there was no level of fun in this for me.

I worked from bed most of the winter because I just couldn’t get up. Add to that a slow quarter client-wise, recovery from a bout of BPPV (vertigo), and I was just barely getting through the days.

I was lost, confused, and just downright sad because I really wanted this to work. I wanted this to be the thing that skyrocketed my business.

Now you might be reading this and think that I was close to giving up my business altogether – but that was NEVER the case.

Despite how down I felt, I knew that I would somehow figure it out.

That’s when one day I realized…

I don’t have to do it this way. I don’t have to follow the playbook that isn’t working for me. I don’t have to do anything in my business that doesn’t light my soul on fire. 

And that’s when I decided I HAD to ditch the thing that was making me feel crappy and draining my energy. 

So, here’s what I did:

➡️ I retired my group program, after 3 years of having it run continuously, week after week. That was the first step and for the first time in a long time, I finally had some space to breathe. 

➡️ Then, I decided to change my goals to leading indicators – meaning, things that I would DO, that I could control, that would lead to sales. 

For me, that was podcast guesting, live in-person events, and guest expert sessions in other people’s groups. I love teaching and talking and helping people, so I decided to do more of that – more of what I LOVE!

I put myself in the right rooms and I did something that probably seemed really crazy to some people.

➡️ I launched a tiny offer.

You see, I’ve always been “premium priced” and high-ticket. So it felt weird to stray away from that, but I had an idea for a program that I had been sitting on for a long time.

And since I was in the midst of doing more of what I love, I launched it… for $30 (discounted from $100). 🤯

The cool part is that other people loved it, too. The “yeses” I received from this program gave me the positive energy to continue moving forward. It was like the momentum I needed to get me moving in the right direction again. 🚀

That program is called Inbox Love and it’s a mini-course that helps you learn how to write irresistible emails that YOU love to write and your audience loves to open, read, and buy from!

➡️ The next thing I did was put launch dates on the calendar for a 6-week cohort of *something.*

At the time, I had zero clue of what it would be. So, I locked myself into a hotel room for a day to figure it out.

(The story of HOW that happened is one for another day – it involves very expensive chocolate, a serendipitous email, and chatGPT – but when I emerged, LaunchFlow was born.)

And the WAY I launched it? I did what felt good and right for ME!

A written lead magnet. A workshop. Lots and lots of amazing EMAILS. Some social posts without my face on them all the time. Personal outreach and partnerships. 

My point in telling you all of this is to let you know that you’re allowed to change something in your business if it doesn’t feel right to you.

You don’t have to keep doing something you don’t enjoy just because it’s worked for someone else. 

It’s SOOOO easy to fall into the trap of doing what everyone else is doing or following someone else’s playbook, but the moment you recognize that you’re doing something that doesn’t feel good to you… CHANGE IT. 

As we kick off the first cohort of the LaunchFlow Accelerator this week, THAT is what I’m most excited about. 

Yes, I’m excited about helping people hone their ideal audience like never before and craft the perfect offer and master their messaging…

But more than anything I’m thrilled to be alongside them as they change what doesn’t feel right for them and confidently show up with what does!
As the cohort continues over the next 6 weeks, I plan to share more behind the scenes, so make sure you’re following along over on Instagram!

**Note: This cohort has ended. The LaunchFlow Accelerator now has a DIY option for those who want to work at their own pace! Learn more and start now**

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