LaunchFlow™ Accelerator

Create Fun, Repeatable, Profitable Launches That Fill Your Programs Without Burnout

How to Get the Results You Want From Your Launch Without Burning Out in the Process.

Tired of doing all the things? Yes, you can launch your own way WITHOUT stress


If you are…

An established business owner, coach, consultant, course creator, who’s been trying to launch a new group program or offer. You’re busy with 1:1 clients and you want more scalable, leverageable offers – but somehow the launch just keeps getting delayed again and again…and it never happens.

Maybe you HAVE the offers but the messaging is messy, and you’re not making the sales you want. You have a feeling it’s the copy, but it might also be the strategy and the way you’re launching. You’ve tried different tactics like webinars, challenges, etc and didn’t get much traction…you’ve packaged and repackaged and taken different courses and worked with different coaches and you’re ready to just have something that WORKS

Or maybe you’re clear on your core offers and you know how to sell them, and you’d like to officially “launch” or add launch strategies to your offers. In other words, you have an offer that sells that you’d like to “blow up with launches” and more leveraged marketing.

And you want to do it all in a way that feels like YOU, sounds like YOU, and doesn’t make you uncomfortable, stressed, or burned out.

You love the idea of having a 5-figure or 6-figure launch (and then being able to run that launch over and over again)…

And you know in order to do that, you need to…

Make the right decisions about where to focus your money, attention, and team for maximum impact…

Bring a huge new influx of leads and clients into your business, without having to work so hard for each sale…

You want messaging that’s so good people want to buy whatever you have before you’ve even made the offer, because they believe in you and the transformation you can deliver them…

And you want to leverage the raving success your clients have experienced with you in a repeatable, sustainable, cash-flowy way…

I’m Danielle Weil, copy & launch strategist, and I love helping business owners find their “LaunchFlow™”: the strategy, messaging, and confidence that will work for THEM.

I’ve written SIXTEEN 7-figure launches and counting, including an $8 Million launch… a $2.2M launch… a $1.6M launch… a $4.4M launch… for clients like Todd Herman, Ryan Levesque, Marisa Murgatroyd, Josh Turner, Danny Iny, Selena Soo, and more.

And even if your launch targets aren’t in the millions (YET) the same principles and strategies apply:

I’ve helped clients who were filling their programs with DMs and sales calls, create a launch strategy and deliver a 6-figure webinar launch for the first time…

I’ve helped a 7-figure CEO bring in 46% more sales simply by adding TWO emails to her sequence…

I’ve helped an entrepreneur and author make $30k from one webinar

I’ve guided a client to create repeatable 5-figure launches every 2 months, like clockwork…

And I’ve helped dozens of smart business owners find the right path for them to launching their programs with confidence and ease.

And Here’s What I Realized:

A launch can be one of the BEST things to happen in your business…or one of the most frustrating and exhausting.

You’re doing everything right: you created a lead magnet, put on a masterclass or a webinar, sent out a million emails, showed up on social all the damn time (and then needed to hibernate for a week afterwards).

And…then, after all that…your results are NOTHING like the flood of sales that everyone talks about (and that you see others having when they do their launches.) What did you do wrong? What’s broken?

And what’s even more frustrating is the feeling that you SHOULD be able to figure this out. After all, you know your ideal client and their pain points, you have a great offer that gets results, you know you’re awesome.

5 Deadly Launch Sins:

Second-guessing everything. You can’t decide on your price point, your bonuses, your program promise, your workshop title…and you find yourself going around in circles on it for way too long.

Following someone else’s launch plan to the letter even though it doesn’t feel good to you (oh, I’m just stretching outside my “comfort zone”  you tell yourself)

Self-sabotage. You put off writing your sales page, your optin page, your emails, even though you know they have to get done…and then they’re not as good as you want them to be. You delay your launch dates again and again because you’re just not ready yet…

Putting things off until the last minute. Writing emails the night before. Whipping up social posts on the fly. It feels chaotic and duct-taped together and you know it’s not your best work. Or you outsource it to a copywriter or a team member and you’re beyond frustrated when they just don’t GET IT. 

Giving up too soon. A trickle of clicks and optins, a few sales here and there and you’re discouraged to the point where you talk yourself out of showing up with your best energy because it wouldn’t do any good. Even though you KNOW that the MOST sales always come in right before cart close. 

This program is for every business owner who’s been frustrated by the process of launching. I’m tired of seeing business owners struggle with launches that don’t perform because they followed someone else’s strategy that didn’t fit their business.

I see them drowning under the weight of all the things they have to do, and procrastinating on the things that will bring more money and FLOW into their business because of limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, or just not having the RIGHT consultant, mentor, coach in their corner.

And look. The problem isn’t you. And the problem isn’t the idea of doing a launch, either.

Because when launches WORK, they’re magical.

Testimonials by LaunchFlow Students

Here’s the real problem:

Launching Has Gotten a Bad Rap

Because what’s underneath all that procrastination and self-sabotage is actually extreme discomfort with the things you’ve been brainwashed to believe are essential.

The fake urgency. The stacks of inflated bonuses. The fluffy masterclasses. And maybe even feeling insecure about your offer, or not 100% sure about who your ideal audience really is.

And yet you feel like a great launch is the key to recurring revenue in your business and you’re afraid to get it wrong.

All of that combines to create anxiety around launching, which creates avoidance and procrastination, which creates a black hole of indecision and stagnation in your business.

And that ENERGY comes into the launch with you!

Think about it…if I told you that your launch would be a wild success and you’d hit all your goals and then some…how would you feel about it?

Because launching, when done right, WORKS.

A launch done WELL creates…

REAL urgency around your offer so your ideal clients move past their resistance and finally make the decision that will get them what they want…

Huge momentum in your business – audience growth, sales, buzz…

An experience for your people and delivers tons of value even to those who DON’T buy…

And of course, a lovely spike in revenue to boost your ongoing efforts

Clients Say…

“Looking back over the course now and so blown away by the value of this. Can’t wait to dig in.”

Tracie Hodgson

“I wrote ALL my launch content based on this. I cannot recommend it enough.” 

Karen Sergeant

“We SOLD OUT our last quarter and did a 6-figure launch!”  

Macy McNeely

So the answer isn’t to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The answer is to launch BETTER.

So I went back and studied ALL of the successful launches I’d been a part of. I reviewed the advice I have given clients for YEARS.

And ONE word stood out to me: FLOW.

Being “in flow” is used to describe a state where you are so absorbed in what you’re doing, so fully present, that you’re able to create on a higher level, and also ENJOY the process.

What if you could COMBINE the rocket-fuel energy and momentum of a launch with the FLOW of feeling confident doing something that feels easy and fun?

Because if you’re doing all the things, and not getting the results you want – chances are that one or more of these FIVE LaunchFlow™s are out of alignment.

The 5 LaunchFlows


Cash Flow: Are you selling the right thing at the right price? Do you have your offer suite dialed in and clear so that the right people go, “this is a no-brainer!”


Lead Flow: Are you growing your aligned audience and building demand? Are you getting enough leads for your efforts, are you focusing your energy in the right places, and are you connecting with your people with messaging that resonates?


Idea Flow: Are you doing the right TYPE of launch for you, with the right Big Idea? Do you have the right strategy or are things a little bit messy?


Work Flow: Do you have the right timing, support, and process to get it all done with breathing room?


Energy Flow: Are you showing up and selling as your best self because you’re confident in the clarity of your offer and messaging, and are you managing your energy to avoid burnout? Have you removed the unconscious blocks and patterns that are keeping you from the success you want?

If one or more of these FLOWS are off…your launch is going to feel HARD. It might not sell as well as you thought it would. And it won’t turn into a repeatable source of revenue for your business that you can eventually evergreen.

I truly believe that THIS is the answer to so much of the lackluster launching, confusion, and burnout that’s so common right now.

Say Hello to LaunchFlow™ Accelerator

A High-Level Marketing & Messaging Experience for established business owners who are ready to have fun, repeatable, big-money launches – without the overwhelm and burnout!


What We’ll Accomplish Together

A TRUE Optimized Offer

What you sell and how much you sell it for is probably the MOST important decision you’ll make in your business. And whether you’re launching your first group program or course, or figuring out how the ones you have fit together, or you’re ready to take your cohort-based program and turn it evergreen…you’ll walk away with a core offer that has a clear transformation, sexy promise, perfect bonus stack, and a just-right price that works for you AND your clients.

The Squishiest Client Profile You’ve Ever Had

You’re not new to this. You probably have a fairly good idea of who your ideal client is. But for whatever reason, you can’t figure out how to translate that knowledge into the sales you want. That’s because most business owners never get deep enough on their ideal client profile – to the level that actually drives buying decisions. Chances are there are some nuances that need shading in – which is my specialty. We’ll go DEEP on this and it will be life-changing.

A Marketing Calendar and Launch Plan that WORKS for You

No, you don’t have to launch a certain way just because that’s “how it’s done” or how it worked for so-and-so. A launch is really just about creating 3 things: desire, trust, and urgency. And there are lots of ways to do that – we’ll figure out which of the proven launch strategies fits YOUR business and your FLOW best…and we’ll put together a plan that feels good so you can bring that energy throughout your entire launch – you know, that Big Sales Energy 😉

Your Core Launch Narrative (aka the Magic Story that Sells)

This is the engine that powers everything else in your launch and your business. Launches that work have a compelling core narrative, and finding the threads of yours is my superpower. We’ll use my proven framework to dig to the heart of your unique story that sells (warning! Minds usually get blown when we do this together…be prepared!)

Energy, Energy, Energy

Everything is energy (really!) So let’s talk about what that means for your launch – whether it’s how you build in REST and REWARD to the process, how you keep your energy up when you’re overwhelmed, how to escape the mind-gremlins and self-sabotage. I’ll be bringing in some special experts to help with this one.

Here’s How it Works:

The LaunchFlow™ Curriculum ($7,000 value)

You’ll get access to the entire LaunchFlow™ curriculum, with everything you need to align all 5 flows, plan your launch, and write the copy to make it happen! Includes the core LaunchFlow™ training PLUS my Launch Copy training for sales pages, emails, webinars, and more!

3 Video Reviews ($3,000 value)

You’ll have a chance to submit your launch work to me for review 3 times throughout the program to ensure that you’re on the right track and have a launch plan that you’re confident in. This is SO valuable that I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do these!

The Launch Plan in a Box Toolkit ($5000 value)

Get access to the spreadsheets, checklists, SOPs, and everything else you need to run your launch! You’ll also get my best copy shortcuts and a HUGE swipe file of examples from real launches. Hand this off to your VA or whip it up yourself- super simple.

BONUS: Access to all my courses! ($1500 value)

In addition to the core LaunchFlow™ training, you’ll get access to:

  • Inbox Love
  • Lead Magnet Magic
  • Welcome Sequence Wow
  • The Done in a Day Sales Page system
  • Website Copy training
  • And much much more!

BONUS: Guest Expert Library ($10,000 value)

I’ve partnered with some incredible experts to bring you exclusive training on topics such as: Your Nervous System and Your Business, Non-Sleazy Sales Calls, Leveraging LinkedIn, and more! We’re constantly adding to the library, too.

The investment to join The LaunchFlow™ Accelerator is just one payment of $1995 or 4 payments of $599.

Chances are, it will never be this price again.


Clients Say…

“Working with Danielle is one of the BEST business decisions I’ve made recently.”

Naomi Gray

“The way that [Danielle] teaches is unlike anything that you can read on the internet, or listen to podcasts about, or learn for free on Instagram.”

Keslie Darmante

“We would not have known where to even begin with the launch without this group!”

Nina Kelley

Common Questions

I did that whole big launch thing and it didn’t work for me Expand

Of course not! And it probably had very little to do with YOU, and a whole lot to do with the way you were launching – or one of the LaunchFlows that were out of alignment.

That’s all the more reason not to throw out the baby with the bathwater and try things differently.

Is there a refund policy? Expand

Because of the nature of the program, there is no refund policy.

Can I bring a team member into the program with me? Expand

Yes! You, as the CEO, shouldn’t be the bottleneck, but you also can’t delegate everything, especially the high-level thinking. Having a team member in with you means that you get the best of both worlds – for no extra charge.

What type of programs should I be selling? Expand

You’ll get the best results from this program if you’re selling a course or group program priced between $1,000-$10,000, although the launch strategies for the high and low end of that range may vary. We’ll talk about it!

What about evergreen funnels? Expand

Yes, of course! Evergreen efforts absolutely have their place in your business. But it’s a lot easier to evergreen something that you’ve tested live, and a lot easier to launch something that you know works on evergreen. We’ll talk about “hybrid” ways to integrate launches into your business in a way that’s sustainable and works WITH your evergreen funnels.

Will you write the copy for me? Expand

Not this time – this isn’t a copy-focused program. You will, however, get access to my copy trainings and templates and my eyes on your stuff.

I’m an introvert and launching burns me out – is this for me? Expand

Ooooooh, yes. I feel you. I AM you. And that’s why I created this program, because we are going to do things differently. It’s all about the FLOW of what works for you even if you HATE showing your face on camera and launching drains you.

Can I get 1:1 coaching with you? Expand

Yes, you can get 1:1 coaching in a group setting on the monthly calls. If you feel like you need more support, and want to have greater access to me, the LaunchFlowTM Lab might be a better fit for you.

Why this and why now?

Why this and why now?

I’ve been hearing over and over again from friends and colleagues, “What WAS working, just isn’t working as well anymore.”

Things are changing so quickly that the WINNERS will be the ones that 1. Have their fundamentals down and their foundation strong 2. Are able to shift with the times and be more on point with their messaging/strategy/copy than their competitors.

In a sea of AI-generated content and lookalikes, the more you can stand out and share your quirky, sticky, unusual, unique genius, the better off you’ll be. And because you can’t see the label from inside the bottle – this is one area of your business that almost ALWAYS needs outside help.

What would a TRULY successful launch do for your business? What would it lay the foundation for? How would it change your business, your revenue, your marketing for the better?

And what are you leaving on the table by NOT fixing this right now? Because every choice, even the ones you don’t make, has consequences.

If you’re ready to have your best launch ever (and then do it again, and again, and again with repeatable ease), click here to join us now.


© Danielle Weil 2024, All Rights Reserved.