The 3 Launch Personalities (And How To Know Which One You Are)

the three launch personalities and how to know which one you are

So you’ve decided that you’re ready to launch in your business…

Maybe it’s a course you’ve been dreaming up for years, a membership that you know your audience needs, or a workshop that can really help you gain traction in your niche. 

I LOVE that for you.

As a launch copywriter and strategist, you can bet that I will almost always support someone launching something new in their business…

But I want you to do it the RIGHT way!

The tricky part of that is that there isn’t one right way to launch…

What worked for someone else might not work for you and that’s okay. 

But the key to figuring out YOUR right way of launching is first understanding your launch personality (we all have one).

Most people fall into one (or more) of these launch personality types and this is something that I see over and over again helping business owners with launches big and small.

Whether that launch generates 4 figures, 5, 6, or even 7 figures, these dynamics are at play. 

And the reason I want you to know what each of these launch personalities are is because there are pitfalls to each of them that CAN be avoided.

So, before you move forward with your launch plans, I encourage you to keep reading and diagnose your personal launch personality so you can know exactly how to navigate your tendencies.

When you do this, you can launch with full confidence and trust that you’ve done everything you can to get the launch results that you really desire!

The 3 Launch Personalities and The Pitfalls of Each 

  1. The Product Perfectionist

If you’ve been thinking about launching for quite some time, but have YET to actually take the plunge, it could be because you’re the person who thinks you have to get your product exactly right before you ever launch. 

“I have to get my course done before I launch.”

“I have to do XYZ before I can actually launch.”

Sound familiar? 

The person who thinks like this feels like they have to get everythingggg on the delivery side, ready to go and boxed up nice and neat before they can launch.

The problem with this?

This can lead to procrastination.

From experience, I’ve seen people who sit on an idea and work on it for MONTHS before they ever launch… even though the idea is truly amazing and something their audience actually needs. 

When you wait to launch…

You also wait to sell, which means you wait to make money, which means you wait to help the people who need your program, which means you wait to attract more of the right people, which means you wait to grow your business how you really want. 

Not only that, but you also wait to even figure out if the launch model works or if the program resonates how it needs to. 

You can’t know how your audience will respond to something until you TRY SOMETHING. 

Action breeds clarity in everything you do, especially with launching!

If you need the extra push to launch your program BEFORE it’s fully ready, let me tell you something…

EVERY single one of my programs ran as a pilot launch first. During this time, I basically got paid to create the program because I pre-sold it and delivered it live.

Launching does NOT have to be perfect right away (actually, I’m not sure you’ll ever achieve perfect) and you CAN make edits, changes, and revisions along the way.

That includes raising the price, adding modules, removing modules, etc. 

The solution?

SELL IT! Sell the course, program, or workshop idea that you have and THEN deliver it live. 

That alone eliminates the need for spending hours and hours creating modules, recording and editing videos, setting up your course platform, etc. 

This is the best way to get feedback, know that your content is landing, and then from there you can learn and take those recordings and improve on them for next time!

  1. The Manic Mimic

In addition to The Product Perfectionist, there’s The Manic Mimic who can’t seem to figure out their own launch strategy, so they look to see what everyoneeee else is doing.

“This person did this, this person did that.”

So you pull small pieces from what you see everyone else doing and convince yourself that you HAVE to do it all…

When we both know, that’s really not necessary or helpful.

What you end up with is a “frankenstrategy” that feels disjointed.

The problem with this?

You end up with a launch that feels inauthentic. It doesn’t necessarily feel like you and represent your voice, which ultimately means that it’s going to be potentially less effective.

Because remember: there’s no one right way of launching. What works for someone else might not work for you, your style, or your audience. Everyone’s business is different. 

The solution?

You can of course look and see what other people are doing for inspiration and use bits and pieces, but that will ONLY work if you have the foundation of the right strategy for your business first.

This also means that you need to have your launch narrative really clear.

And if you’re not sure what a launch narrative is, it’s simply the story that aligns what you’re selling with the problem your ideal audience is facing.

  1. The Last Minute Launcher

If you’re the type of business owner that gets an idea in your head and wants to make it happen as soon as possible, you may fall into The Last Minute Launcher personality type. 

Now, this doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily a procrastinator or someone that always does things last minute, but rather you get super excited about something and want to act on it quickly. 

This can be a GREAT trait to have for other things in business, but sometimes when it comes to launching it can be a pitfall. 

When you take on this personality while launching, you can often underestimate how much prep time you really need and how much there is to do to actually launch. 

There’s the pre-launch content, email copy, sales page, product creation, etc. 

It’s a LOT and it can get overwhelming real fast. 

The superpower of this personality is that you have great ideas, you have energy and excitement, and you can most definitely show up. 

But the problem?

Follow through. 

Actually taking the time to strategically map out what exactly needs to happen and WHEN it needs to happen can be challenging for you. 

The solution?

Take a step back and make sure that you are following a process and a structure that’s backed in strategy, so you can get all of the launch pieces in order and create a plan to make them happen appropriately.

This falls into Launch Flow #4 that’s all about your work flow, because so much of launching involves the right processes, timing, and support. It’s not *just* about having the right idea or vision.

Often this looks like leveraging your team members to help with this OR hiring a contractor for a set amount of time so you can hand some things off and give your attention to focus on other parts of the launch.

What Launch Personality Are You?

Most people I work with have at least one of these types, if not all of them at different points in their business…

Because YES,  you can have multiple launch personalities. 

So I’m curious – which one are you?

From this list, you should be able to accurately determine which personality you are currently embodying when it comes to launching in your business.

The GOOD NEWS is that you also now know the solution for each. 🎉

Launching should feel fun, exciting, and energizing – not overwhelming, stress inducing, or panicky.

If that’s how they’ve felt for you in the past, I want you to know there really is a better way and it all starts with knowing your launch personality FIRST and then using that information to use the LaunchFlow Roadmap strategically. 

Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that launching will suddenly become “easy.”

It will probably still feel intense and take a lot of work, but the difference is that you can know you’re doing the work in a way that’s RIGHT for you and your business specifically.

Want help with your next launch? That’s what I’m here for! Start the conversation by sending me a DM on Instagram.

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