It’s a crowded inbox out there. Even your biggest fans and customers may sometimes miss your emails in a sea of unread messages with generic-sounding subject lines.
If you’ve ever wondered how to write subject lines that GRAB attention, get OPENED, and then CLICKED on…
I’ve pulled together a list of 30 proven subject line templates (with examples) so you don’t have to write from scratch!
You’ll get FREE Access to…
The open loop subject lines that readers just can’t resist clicking on (and the templates so you can adapt it again and again)...
The eyebrow-raising subject lines (and how to be “controversial” without alienating your audience)...
The Goldfish subject line - This is the one you use when you REALLY have no idea what to write about...
The instant credibility subject line to build trust and authority with your audience (which, of course, gets them opening and reading and CLICKING!)
And 26 more!
About Danielle
Danielle Weil has been writing copy since 2006 and works with 6, 7 and 8-figure online entrepreneurs like Ryan Levesque, Todd Herman, Josh Turner, Selena Soo and more. A well-kept industry secret (until now), her elegant, narrative-driven, and conversion-focused copy has brought in tens of millions in sales for her clients—which is why she is otherwise known as THE launch expert.
Danielle coaches business owners to write their own effective copy, nurturing their confidence, creativity, and productivity with her 1:1 Coaching, CopyLab membership program and self-paced courses.
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