3 Email Copy Tricks For When You’re Out Of Ideas

Have you ever sat down to write an email to your list and you’re met with a blinking cursor? No ideas are flowing and all of the words you write are followed by control, alt, delete. This happens to the best of us and some call this writer’s block. While I definitely believe that there…

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5 Steps to Better Converting Copy: The When, Why, and How of Split Testing

If you want copy that works hard for every penny invested… Copy that gives you the best possible conversion rates… You need to test it. Because ultimately… It’s not about whether your sales letter, landing page or email is ‘in voice,’ looks flashy and stalks your target market all over social media. It’s about whether…

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5 Confessions of a Successful CopyMom

“Mommy look!” chimes the cutest voice from my office door, And in walks my six year old, bearing a finger-painted gift. She holds it out hopefully like an offering: my painting for your attention. The gears in my brain squeal with the effort of braking, switching out of business mode and saying, in my best…

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How Writing Launch Copy is a Lot Like Gestating a Child

When I was pregnant with my third baby, I wrote copy for a launch that ultimately raked in $4 million dollars. If you’re a working mom, you get why this was kind of a big deal. And if you’re a copywriter and a mom, you have an inkling as to the kind of craziness that…

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