5 Last Day “Launch Rabbits” You Can Pull Out of Your Hat for a Strong Cart Close

5 last day launch rabbits you can pull out of your hat for a strong cart close

A launch is a time-based marketing event. That means that the doors OPEN, and then they CLOSE. Typically as much as 30-50% of sales come in on the LAST day (yes, procrastinators, looking at you!). 

So what can we do to prepare for the unknown on cart close day to maximize your sales during your launch? 

First, some mindset prep. Know that many of your sales are going to come in during cart close. So if it’s been a little slower than you would have liked, DO NOT let your energy drop – be prepared to “stick the landing” for cart close. 

Second, be aware that energy is a big part of launching. It’s something that requires a lot of energy from you, and also your energy impacts the results you get in your launch, right? 

The calmer you are, the less stressed out you are, the more prepared you are, generally the more effective you’re going to be. 

That’s why I like to have a few “Launch Rabbits” that I can pull out of my hat at cart close to get the most sales from people who are still on the fence. 🐰🎩

Then I’m prepared for any scenario. And you can be too.

5 Last Day “Launch Rabbits” You Can Pull Out of Your Hat for a Strong Cart Close

Launch Rabbit #1: Last Day Bonus 

You can introduce a NEW bonus to your offer. I like to have this bonus answer the biggest objection you’ve been getting. For example, if your program teaches someone how to launch and their objection is “I don’t have a course yet”, the bonus can be around rapid course creation. See how that works? 😉

Launch Rabbit #2: Smaller Payment Plan 

You can introduce a NEW payment plan so that your people on the fence can pay a smaller amount up front to get in. Or you can use the PayPal financing option to give people that ability while still getting the cash up front. 

Launch Rabbit #3: The Final Appeal 

This is a heartfelt emotional message, either by video or written, reminding your audience what’s at stake and that it’s time to make a decision. 

Launch Rabbit #4: Personalized Reachouts 

Remember you’re launching to human beings – and don’t be afraid to reach out to your “hot leads”. I like to do a personalized short loom video with “3 reasons I think you should join X” – or you can send a voice note or text message, too. 

Launch Rabbit #5: A Great Downsell 

Once your cart closes, you will probably have a group of people who were excited about your offer but the price held them back. If you make a similar offer with a lower price point – perhaps just the course materials with less live support, or a shorter program, many of those people will likely say yes!

The Launch Experience

Most importantly, remember that a launch is just another experiment in your business – an opportunity for leads and sales, yes, but ALSO a learning experience. And that it’s not over until the cart closes (and even then, you can always relaunch!). 

Yes, you may feel stressed and anxious, but it’s all a part of the process. And if you let the fear stop you, you block the possibility of success, too. So relax, have fun, stay in flow, and enjoy the process! 

Resources For Your Next Launch

Overall, launching a course, program, or any type of new offer in your business really doesn’t require all of the things that you might be hearing out there.

Instead, it simply requires a few basic sales and marketing principles to help you put together a launch that feels fun, easy, and even leaves you wanting to do it again and again.

I like to call these principles LaunchFlows™ and I spend a big portion of my time helping people make sure these flows are aligned through my free LaunchFlow™ workshops!

In addition to the workshops, the blog is packed full of helpful resources to help you crush your next launch. If you’re not sure where to start, I suggest:

Take what you need and connect with me on Instagram for more launch strategy and copywriting tips!

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