3 Reasons Why An Email List is a Key Marketing Channel For Your Launch

3 reasons why an email list is a key marketing channel for your launch blog post by Danielle Weil

Planning a launch in your business requires a well thought out strategy in order to create the results that you really want. 

When you’re launching, whether it’s a brand new offer or are simply launching an existing offer, there’s a lot of moving pieces and it’s important to make sure that all of the pieces work together to create results. 

Sure, there’s the launch event itself (i.e. webinar, workshop, challenge, etc.), but there’s also everything in between – like your lead magnet creation, sales page copy, the actual offer, social media content, and of course the emails.

In today’s digital world, social media platforms tend to dominate the marketing scene, making it very easy for business owners to overlook the power of an email list. 

You’ve likely heard before that you need an email list in your business, but you might not fully understand WHY. 

As a launch strategist and copywriter, I believe that building and nurturing an email list is a key player when it comes to business in general, but especially for successful launches.

In this blog I’ll be sharing three reasons why your email list should be at the forefront of your marketing, not only for your next launch, but for your business in general!

3 Reasons Why An Email List Is A Key Marketing Platform In Your Business

  1. People buy from emails. 

When it comes to people actually buying your offers, email is going to be the place where you see the most conversions compared to that of social media.

The reason this happens is because email creates a more direct communication channel between you and your audience.

Even though an email is typically sent to the masses, they can be written in a way that speaks to ONE person which makes the reader feel seen, heard, and valued. 

This direct communication builds trust, establishes credibility, and fosters a relationship with your subscribers which all play a crucial role in someone buying from you in the future. 

By consistently delivering relevant and useful information, solving their problems, and directly addressing their pain points, you can become the trusted authority that can lead to almost effortless sales.

This trust and relationship building process is typically more challenging to achieve through social media, because the content feels less personal and the platform feeds are more crowded with distractions. 

For example, if you post on Instagram, the user has an array of things they can do after reading or watching your post – they can like, comment, share, click the link in your bio, DM you, etc. 

Not to mention they can just keep scrolling because their feed is full of other people’s content as well.

Emails, on the other hand, have a higher chance of being seen and engaged with, as they directly reach the subscriber’s inbox and offer fewer distractions and no fight against the algorithm.

Overall, well written emails with catchy subject lines have a higher chance of capturing the attention of your subscriber and driving them to a very specific action – which is often purchasing your offer or consuming other content that can lead to sale. 

  1. People are “raising their hand” to hear from you.

Subscribing to an email list is a bit different than someone simply following you on social media. Instead of clicking a simple “follow” button and going about their day, they have to actively say, “Hey! I want to hear from you.” by inputting their information. 

When someone subscribes to your list, whether it be from a general opt in form or through a lead magnet, they expect to hear from you – and in fact, they WANT to hear from you. 

They willingly give you their contact information in exchange for content that will add value to their life. By doing this, they are showing direct interest in what you have going on. 

The reason this matters so much is because sometimes as business owners we can get in our head about how often we’re showing up on social media. 

“Am I posting enough? Am I posting too much? Are people even interested in this? Do they want to hear from me?”

With email, on the other hand, you can trust that the people on your list want to be there, so you never have to question if sending an email to your list is the right thing to do. 

Sending consistent emails to your list is a way of SERVING them and when done well, they will grow to crave more and more content from you!

  1. You can segment your list and speak to specific people.

This is probably the biggest thing that social media can’t do and might be the most important reason you want to have an email list in your business. 

Like most businesses, you likely have a few forms of ideal clients or you have different groups of people in your audience – this is normal and is something that many of my clients experience and is something I juggle as well in my own business. 

When this is the case, you want to have the ability to talk to your different groups of people specifically and really the only way this can happen is when you have an email list that is segmented accordingly.

As a subscriber continues to interact with your business, such as downloading your freebie, registering for a webinar or workshop, or purchasing one of your offers, you can tag them as such so that in the future you can craft messages for them specifically and communicate with them in a way that makes sense for them. 

For example, when I was launching my new program, LaunchFlow Accelerator, I created the LaunchFlow Roadmap that people could download for free. 

When someone downloaded this, they would receive a special tag on my email list so that I could then directly invite them to the LaunchFlow Workshop. 

I wanted to be able to speak to the roadmap downloads more specifically versus sending them a general workshop invite email. 

This is how you start to create a more individualized and relevant experience for your audience, which can increase the likelihood of a purchase in the future. 

Why Consistently Emailing Your List Is So Important 

Overall, having an email list is one of the most important and most effective ways to market in your business, but every single time I bring this up to clients or my audience in general, I always hear the question, “but what do I write emails about?!”

Having an email list is one thing, but consistently using it is another!

If you’re using a launch model in your business, you don’t want to save your email list for just launch promotions.

Instead, you want to create a consistent email relationship with your subscribers so that when it comes time to launch, they are more open to what you’re doing and are more likely to participate. 

Regularly emailing your list will build and nurture relationships, help you stay top of mind for your audience, provide ongoing value, and build anticipation and excitement for upcoming launches in your business. 

If you’re among those who aren’t sure what to write about in your consistent emails, I have a few things to help you out:

Building and maintaining an email list in your business will never go out of style, but I can’t say the same for social media. So, start investing in the longevity of your business by committing to this timeless tool that can lead to the results that you truly desire!

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