The 3 Key Launch Ingredients So People ACTUALLY Buy

the three key launch ingredients so people actually buy

Launching a new product or service in your business can be a super exciting endeavor, but without the right “recipe,” it can fall flat.

When working with clients, I often hear the phrase, “I tried launching before, but it didn’t work.” When someone tells me that, alarms start going off in my head because a launch not “working” could mean a variety of things. 

To one person it could mean they didn’t make as many sales as they wanted.

To another person it could mean that few people opted into their lead magnet.

And another person could categorize a launch as something that didn’t “work” because they had a low attendance rate to their webinar or workshop. 

There’s an array of reasons why people say their launches don’t “work,” but to me I always want to know one thing: did you have the right recipe?

For ANY launch to truly work, regardless of what you’re selling, you need three key ingredients and oftentimes I find that people will include one or two of these and the third is missing. 

These elements form the foundation of a persuasive and compelling launch strategy, helping you capture the attention and engagement of your target audience, and ultimately, motivating them to make a purchase.

What are these magic ingredients you may ask? ✨

Desire, trust, and urgency. 

Let’s explore how desire, trust, and urgency work together to create irresistible offers and drive customer conversions during your launch.

3 Key Ingredients That Lead to Launch Success

  1. Desire 

It’s no secret that people need to WANT what you’re selling for them to actually move through to a purchase. As obvious as this sounds, desire tends to be a huge missing piece when people are creating their launch offer. 

The reason this can happen is because when you’re living in your business owner world, it’s very easy to assume you know what people want and need. So you might build up this idea in your head, create an offer to solve all of these problems, and then when it’s time to launch it… no one wants it. 

This is why conducting proper market research is SO important so you can learn the real problems and struggles of your audience and use their language to create a solution. 

Creating deep desire for your offer involves digging deeper and identifying core emotions behind your audience’s problem so you can strategically make that a part of your marketing and messaging so that it truly resonates for them.

Without desire, your launch may struggle to capture attention and engage your audience effectively. By highlighting the problem your product solves or the transformation it enables, you can tap into the desires and aspirations of your target market, making your launch more compelling and persuasive.

Creating desire first starts to happen during your pre-launch activities and it’s typically done through your lead magnet. 

For example, I started to create desire for my most recent launch of LaunchFlow Accelerator with the LaunchFlow Roadmap.

This free downloadable PDF worked to build my interest list for the launch and got people excited for what was coming. 

You can also create desire prior to your launch through all of your content, including your blog posts, emails, social media posts, etc. 

  1. Trust

Most of us know that trust plays a vital role in any business transaction, especially in an online setting where customers cannot physically interact with your product or meet you in person. 

This ingredient is so important because it has everything to do with people trusting YOU specifically.

Since there are many people who do the same (or similar) thing as you, establishing trust with your audience is crucial for overcoming skepticism and building credibility.

During a launch, trust is built by demonstrating your expertise, providing social proof (such as testimonials or case studies), and showcasing any relevant credentials or qualifications. 

When customers trust your brand and believe in the quality and credibility of your offering, they are more likely to make a purchase and become loyal advocates for your business.

  1. Urgency

Lastly, for people to actually buy during your launch, there must be some sort of urgency for them to act NOW. 

When it comes to creating urgency, people need to know 3 things:

  • Why this? (Meaning why your offer)
  • Why you? (Meaning why not someone else)
  • Why now? (Meaning why can’t I do this later)

These three questions are subconsciously in the head of your audience and it’s up to you to answer these questions during your launch event itself, but also in the sales content of your launch process. 

This goes for all of your social content surrounding the launch, your sales page, sales emails, etc.

You want to show your audience why it’s safe to act now and dangerous or risky not to act. 

This is where you start to show them what will happen if they don’t buy.

Now, this isn’t to say you have to go full on fearmonger on your audience. Though there is a sense of fear that *can* work, if you do that too much you could potentially scare them away. 

More than anything, you want people to see how it’s safe to act now and the benefits they will experience when they do. 

Creating this sense of urgency will ultimately help your audience overcome procrastination and motivate potential customers to act promptly.

Urgency often comes in the form of creating a time-limited offer (meaning an open and close cart date), offering exclusive bonuses for early adopters, or having limited quantities available. 

All of these things subconsciously creates a FOMO feeling and compels your leads to make a decision.

Without this sense of urgency, potential customers may delay their purchase or forget about your offering altogether because they tell themselves they can just “do it later.”

By leveraging this psychological trigger, you can encourage conversions and maximize the impact of your launch.

By understanding the importance of these elements and incorporating them into your launch strategy, you can create irresistible offers that compel people to take REAL action.

Embracing these three ingredients and making sure they are infused into your next launch can maximize your results and achieve the results you desire, so you aren’t left saying that your launch “didn’t work.”

Resources for Your Next Launch

Looking for more guidance on planning your next launch?

I have a few things to help you out:

Take what you need and connect here for more launch strategy and copywriting tips!

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