3 Email Copy Tricks For When You’re Out Of Ideas

3 email copy tricks for when you're out of ideas

Have you ever sat down to write an email to your list and you’re met with a blinking cursor?

No ideas are flowing and all of the words you write are followed by control, alt, delete.

This happens to the best of us and some call this writer’s block. While I definitely believe that there will be times where your writing flows better than others, I also believe that whether you’re feeling inspired or not, you can bust through this block with a few simple tricks.

When it comes to writing emails for your audience, there’s a few things you can do when you’re out of ideas and in this blog post I’ll be sharing my top 3 hacks to get you writing with ease.

Before I get to those though, there’s two pieces of preparation required on your end so that these hacks can actually work for you. 

Don’t worry, it’s not hard! It’s a simple process that ultimately creates a writing prompt bank that you can use anytime you’re feeling stuck. 

  1. Brain Dump 🧠

The best content you can create is content that directly serves your audience and this content is born out of questions that people ask you. 

So, in order to create this type of content, you want to have a list of questions that people frequently ask.

It can be hard to think of these questions in the moment, so to make it easy on yourself, create a brain dump document and continuously jot down questions that you receive. 

This can be anything that you receive via email, in your DM’s or a comment on Instagram or your social media platform of choice. The key is that you don’t filter these questions – just write them down!

Whether or not you use them isn’t the point. The point is that you’re giving yourself a starting point for your writing which is often all it takes to get your brain juices flowing. 

If you don’t already have a brain dump document, schedule time in your calendar to audit the last 1-3 months of the platform that you primarily use for marketing. 

Go through your DM’s and comments and jot down any questions that people have asked you word for word – this allows you to write in their language in the future!

  1. Marketing Calendar 🗓

Those two words might feel vague or confusing to you, but creating a marketing calendar doesn’t have to be hard or complex! 

In fact, it can be as simple as a Google spreadsheet or an Asana board.

A marketing calendar is simply a roadmap for what you’re focusing on in your business at any given time and it guides you on what to create content on.

When you have a marketing calendar, you’re able to organize any upcoming launches, promotions or simply decide what content pillar of your business you want to focus on each week or month.

Once you have these two things, you’ll be prepared to successfully utilize my favorite email copy tricks when you’re out of ideas. ⬇️

3 Email Copy Tricks To Use When You’re Feeling Stuck

  1. Answer an FAQ 

Sounds simple, I know, but remember this: simple WORKS!

People don’t necessarily need earth shattering content to take action. I know it’s tempting to write in a way that’s clever and cute, but oftentimes that can actually be very confusing. 

This trick is where your brain dump document comes in. When you’re sitting down to write and the ideas aren’t flowing, refer to your FAQ list and simply answer a question.

If one person is asking it, there’s a good chance that at least 10 others are thinking the same thing, so use this as an opportunity to speak directly to what people want to know.

  1. Connect your content to what you have coming up in your business 

This one probably sounds obvious, but you might be shocked to know that people skip over this all the time!

This is why having a marketing calendar that you refer to to guide your content is so key. If you’re sending weekly emails to your list, yes they should be mainly focused on nurturing, but at the same time you also want to be preparing people for what’s to come in your business. 

Are you launching a new course in a few months? Launching a podcast? Opening enrollment for your current course? Offering 1:1 mentorship?

Whatever it is, you want to make sure your audience knows what’s coming. When you connect your content to what’s coming up, people will be more inclined to take action when it’s time to do so! 

  1. Pick anything around you & write about it

Lastly, if you’re feeling stuck and an FAQ isn’t going to do the trick and you don’t have any upcoming launches or promotions, I want you to look around, pick an item and write about it. 

I don’t care if you’re in a coffee shop, at your desk, in your living room or even in your car, look around and choose an item that you see. 

It might feel silly at first to write about the Starbucks cup sitting in your cup holder or the stack of papers sitting on your desk, but I promise you that ANYTHING can become content!

Just start writing and you’ll probably be surprised at what happens!

These are just three of my favorite email copy tricks that truly can change the game for your email copy, but if you’re looking to become a true inbox pro, the Inbox Love 14 Day Email Course is for you. 💌

For 14 days, you’ll receive an email that includes a quick lesson and assignment that you’ll reply to. Essentially, you’re creating 2 weeks worth of emails that you can send to your list!

It’s quick, bite sized, actionable and easy – you in? Click here to learn more!

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